
Welcome to our community

Meet like-minded families across the globe taking steps to live more sustainably.

Join our FREE Nature Family on Facebook. Our box and print subscribers are invited to our new private Ugenie-hosted community– Nature Curious

Supporting your sustainable and nature loving family

Do you want your child to live in harmony with nature? Do you want to see positive changes in society?

You know that consumer culture is bad for the environment, so you’re working hard to create a family life that teaches your children how to protect the environment, care about their communities and support inspiring causes.

You do this because you care about your children/grandchildren, and you want to do something to ensure that wildlife and habitats thrive for them and future generations. You’re here to take positive action with your family.

Our nature and sustainable family communities are here to help.

Nature Family

Join our FREE Nature Family Facebook Group.

thank you stamp inside box

Nature Curious Club

Join us in the private community for print customers and nature activity box subscribers.